This research focuses on developing new methodologies for analytical and numerical modeling of the response of buildings subjected to seismic-induced pounding.

Related Publications
- Ghazizadeh S and Barbato M (2010). “An improved approximate solution of the first-passage problem for simple oscillator subjected to white noise excitation.” Proceedings (full paper participating to the student paper competition in Probabilistic Methods), 2010 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2010), August 8-11, 2010, Los Angeles, CA (USA).
- Ghazizadeh S (2011). “A study on the first-passage reliability problem and its application in earthquake engineering.” MSc Thesis, Louisiana State University, December 2011. (Link)
- Ghazizadeh S, Barbato M and Tubaldi E (2012). “New analytical solution of the first-passage reliability problem for linear oscillators.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 138(6):695-706. (Link)
- Tubaldi E, Freddi F and Barbato M (2013). “Probabilistic seismic demand and fragility assessment for evaluating the separation distance between adjacent buildings.” Proceedings (full paper), 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2013), June16-20, 2013, Columbia University New York, NY (USA). (Link)
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2014). “Stochastic seismic response analysis of adjacent buildings coupled by nonlinear viscous dampers.” Proceedings (full paper), 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2014), June 30 – July 2 2014, Porto (Portugal). (Link)
Funded Projects Supporting this Research
- A probabilistic Performance-Based Approach for Wind-Borne Debris Hazard Mitigation
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: LSU College of Engineering, through Longwell’s Family Foundation
Program: Fund for Innovation in Engineering Research (FIER)
Period: March 2008 - May 2010
- A probabilistic performance-based approach for building separation distance decision to mitigate seismic pounding risk
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: LSU Council on Research
Program: 2009-2010 Faculty Research Grant Program
Period: August 2010 - July 2011
- Development of finite elements for response and response sensitivity analysis of reinforced concrete structures retrofitted with externally-bonded fiber reinforced polymers
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents
Program: RCS Program
Period: August 2010 - July 2013
- A novel performance-based methodology for mitigation of seismic pounding risk
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents, through NSF EPSCoR
Program: Pilot Funding for New Research (Pfund) 2010 Program
Period: March 2011 - February 2012
- Advanced semi-analytical techniques for accurate and efficient estimate of first-passage failure probabilities
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents, through NSF EPSCoR
Program: Pilot Funding for New Research (Pfund) 2012 Program
Period: January 2013 - December 2013