Related Publications
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2004). “Finite element response sensitivity analysis of continuous steel-concrete composite beams.” Proceedings (full paper), 2nd International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS’04), September 2-4, 2004, Seoul (South Korea). (Link)
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2004). “Nonlinear finite element response sensitivity analysis of continuous steel-concrete composite beams.” Proceedings (full paper), 2nd International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS’04), September 2-4, 2004, Seoul (South Korea). (Link)
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2005). “Finite element response sensitivity analysis of steel-concrete composite beams with deformable shear connection.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 131(11):1126-1139. (Link)
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2006). “Finite element response sensitivity analysis of continuous steel-concrete composite girders.” Steel and Composite Structures, an International Journal, 6(3):183-202.
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2006). “Finite Element Response Sensitivity Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures.” Rep. No. SSRP-04/02, Dept. of Structural Engineering, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA (USA).
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2007). “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of steel-concrete composite frame structures under seismic ground motions.” Proceedings (full paper), 3rd International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS’07), July 30-August 1, 2007, Manchester, England (UK).
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2007). “Nonlinear Seismic Response Analysis of Steel-Concrete Composite Frames.” Rep. No. SSRP-07/11, Dept. of Structural Engineering, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA (USA).
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2008). “Nonlinear seismic response analysis of steel-concrete composite frames.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 134(6):986-997. (Link)
- Barbato M, Zona A and Conte JP (2008). “Probabilistic response analysis of steel-concrete composite structures.” Proceedings (abstract), First American Academy of Mechanics Conference (FirstAAM2008), June 17-20, 2008, New Orleans, LA (USA).
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2008). “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of steel-concrete composite frame structures with full and partial shear connection under earthquake excitation.” Proceedings (full paper), 5th European Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2008), September 3-5, 2008, Graz (Austria). (Link)
- Barbato M, Zona A and Conte JP (2008). “Simplified probabilistic response analysis of steel-concrete composite beams.” Proceedings (abstract), VII Italian Workshop on Composite Structures, October 23-24, 2008, Benevento (Italy).
- Zona A, Barbato M, Dall’Asta A, Dezi L (2008). “Response uncertainty evaluation of continuous steel-concrete girders designed with plastic theory.” Proceedings (full paper), VII Italian Workshop on Composite Structures, October 23-24, 2008, Benevento (Italy).
- Zona A, Barbato M and Conte JP (2009). “Modeling issues in nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite frame structures subjected to seismic excitation.” Proceedings (full paper), 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2009), June 22-24, 2009, Rhodes (Greece).
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2009). “Parametric Study of Continuous Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges Exhibiting Dual Load Path”. Rep. No. CEE-07-2009, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA (USA).
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2009). “Seismic response of steel-concrete composite bridges accounting for model parameter uncertainties.” Proceedings (abstract), 2009 Joint ASCE‐ASME‐SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials, June 24‐27, 2009, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (USA).
- Dall’Asta A, Tubaldi E and Barbato M (2009). “Transverse seismic behavior of composite bridges with abutment constraints.” Proceedings (full paper), XIII ANIDIS Congress 2009, June28-July 2, 2009, Bologna (Italy).
- Zona A, Barbato M, Dall’Asta A and Dezi L (2009). “Probabilistic nonlinear finite element analysis for design assessment of continuous steel-concrete composite girders.” Proceedings (full paper), 33rd IABSE Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure, September 9-11, 2009, Bangkok (Thailand).
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2010). “Seismic response and vulnerability of steel- concrete composite bridges accounting for model parameter uncertainties” Proceedings (full paper), 2010 Structures Congress & North American Steel Construction Conference (NASCC 2010), May 12-15, 2010, Orlando, FL (USA).
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2010). “Influence of model parameter uncertainty on the seismic vulnerability analysis of continuous steel-concrete composite bridges exhibiting dual load path.” Proceedings (full paper), 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS2010), July 11–15, 2010, Philadelphia, PA (USA).
- Zona A, Barbato M, Dall’Asta A and Dezi L (2010). “Safety assessment of steel-concrete composite girders through nonlinear probabilistic analysis.” Proceedings (full paper), 4th International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS’10), July 21-23, 2010, Sydney (Australia).
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2010). “Bridges with abutment restraint: probabilistic seismic response assessment.” Proceedings (full paper), 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14ECEE), August 30-September 3, 2010, Ohrid (Macedonia).
- Zona A, Barbato M, Dall’Asta A and Dezi L (2010). “Probabilistic analysis for design assessment of continuous steel-concrete composite girders.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 66(7):897-905. (Link)
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2010). “Transverse seismic response of continuous steel-concrete composite bridges exhibiting dual load path.” Earthquake and Structures, 1(1):21-41. (Link)
- Tubaldi E, Barbato M and Dall’Asta A (2012). “Influence of model parameter uncertainty on seismic response and vulnerability of steel-concrete composite bridges with dual load path.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 138(3):363-374. (Link)
- Barbato M, Zona A and Conte JP (2014). “Probabilistic nonlinear response analysis of steel-concrete composite beams.” Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 140(1):04013034. (Link)
Funded Projects Supporting this Research
- A probabilistic Performance-Based Approach for Wind-Borne Debris Hazard Mitigation
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: LSU College of Engineering, through Longwell’s Family Foundation
Program: Fund for Innovation in Engineering Research (FIER)
Period: March 2008 - May 2010
- Probabilistic Demand Analysis of Dynamically-Excited Uncertain Structural Systems
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents, through NSF EPSCoR
Program: Pilot Funding for New Research (Pfund)
Period: May 2008 - July 2009
- Development of finite elements for response and response sensitivity analysis of reinforced concrete structures retrofitted with externally-bonded fiber reinforced polymers
PI: Barbato, M.
Co-PI: None
Sponsor: Louisiana Board of Regents
Program: RCS Program
Period: August 2010 - July 2013