Event Date
Wildfires are becoming an existential threat to the well-being of the U.S. population, with wildfire-induced air pollution as one of the most severe contributors to economic and life losses. This symposium will address critical research needs to assess and mitigate wildfire effects on human health, with presentations by accomplished researchers from UC Davis, UC Merced, UC Los Angeles, UC Irvine, UC Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab, and EPRI.
Symposium Sponsored By:
UC Office of the President under award LFR-20-651032
UC Davis Air Quality Research Center
UC Davis Climate Adaptation Research Center
UC Davis College of Engineering
Good Day Attendees and Speakers,
After very careful consideration amid the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to host the Wildfire Induced Air Pollution Mitigation & Assessment Symposium virtually! The speaking arrangements and schedule will stay the same. We feel this is the best decision based on the current situation.
They Symposium will still be having active engagement with Q&A and discussions so we ask you to be available and engaged for the full day. It is suggested that you, as an attendee or speaker, are able to find a private space to participate in the meeting, listen to presentations and ask follow up questions for the full 9 AM to 5 PM time.
For our UC Davis Participants: Sandra Hall, Event Manager of the AQRC, will be setting up HQ meeting room to run the presentations from. This space will also be available to UC Davis speakers to give their presentation in and participate in the full zoom meeting. This is not required, but will be available as an option, should you not have a suitable place to watch the presentations or the tech to give your own presentation.
Please stay tuned over the next week for the official zoom meeting room with instructions for attendees and for speakers.
Symposium Agenda
9:00 – 9:40 AM Opening Remarks
Michele Barbato, UC Davis, Lead Principal Investigator - Introduction (PDF Presentation)
Prasant Mohapatra, UC Davis, Office of Research, Vice Chancellor
Ricardo Castro, UC Davis, College of Engineering, Associate Dean (PDF Presentation)
9:40 – 10:40 AM Wildfire Modeling, Forecast, & Data Visualization
Brian Bailey, UC Davis: "High-resolution, physically-based wildfire modeling"
Alex Koltunov, UC Davis: "An overview of the Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery Tracker system supporting land management in California"
Nancy Thomas, UC Berkeley: "Linking Climate Science to practitioner need through data visualization tools"
10:40 – 11:00 AM Group Break
11:00 – 12:00 PM Wildfire Emission Prediction and Air Quality Assessment
Susan Ustin, UC Davis: "Characterizing wildfire emissions using real-time satellite imagery"
Jeffrey D. Mirocha, Lawrence Livermore National Lab: "LLNL’s current and planned wildfire research activities in support of the UC Fees project"
Donald Dabdub, UC Irvine: "Methodology for assessing impacts of air quality" (PDF of Presentation)
12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch Break
1:00 – 2:20 PM Wildfire Health Effects Assessment
Tian Xia, UC Los Angeles: "High throughput screening and predictive toxicology approach for understanding wildfire aerosol-induced lung toxicity" (PDF Presentation)
Allison C. Aiken, Los Alamos National Lab: "Wildfire aerosol and trace gas emissions: Results from the field and laboratory single-source burning experiments" (PDF Presentation)
Kathryn Conlon, UC Davis: "Assessing population-level health outcomes associated with wildfire smoke exposures" (PDF of Presentation)
Eric Chu, UC Davis: "Local dimensions of climate and environmental planning action" (PDF Presentation)
2:20 – 2:40 PM Group Break
2:40 – 4:00 PM Development and Assessment of Wildfire Mitigation Strategies
Andrew Latimer, UC Davis: "Modeling fuels and the effects of mitigation strategies" (PDF Presentation)
James Thorne, UC Davis: "Using fine-grain spatially explicit models to assess population exposure to climate change wildfire threats" (PDF Presentation)
Michele Barbato, UC Davis: "Earth block construction: a sustainable housing solution for the WUI" (PDF Presentation)
LeRoy Westerling, UC Merced: "Modeling changing wildfire and climate risks and their effects on air pollution"
4:00 – 4:20 PM Group Break
4:20 – 4:40 PM Panel Discussion
4:40 – 5:00 PM Closing & Future Activities (PDF Presentation)
Complimentary Registration
Please confirm your attendance by filling out this registration form.
Location (Virtual Symposium)
Location: Zoom Webinar
Contact Symposium Organizer, Michele Barbato, mbarbato@ucdavis.edu.